<aside> ⚠️ Keep your Seed Phrase Safe Don’t click on any external link and do not validate your wallet anywhere. The Cosmos & Keplr teams will NEVER DM YOU FIRST.



<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/10c0d986-1863-47b0-bcf4-5e7c93eca179/Keplr_128px.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/10c0d986-1863-47b0-bcf4-5e7c93eca179/Keplr_128px.png" width="40px" /> In order to assist you faster and better, we ask you to follow the process below to acquire evidence of the disruptions you're experiencing while using your Keplr wallet.


Please remember that you can check this FAQ>[Transactions]>[Why did my transaction fail?]. If the disruption is about Secret Network, please check the dedicated section below.

💡What can I do while waiting to receive assistance?

Brave isn't officially supported yet, so if you are having issues with it try to switch to Chrome.
