We are happy to announce that Kaikas 2.4.0 for Chrome Extension and Kaikas 2.1.8 for mobile ios and Android have been released with new features

With the release of Kaikas 2.4.0 Chrome we have introduced the below features

With the release of Kaikas 2.1.8 Mobile we have introduced the below features

In this article, we will walk you through how to use KNS and SwapScanner features in the Kaikas wallet

Klaytn Naming Service

If you're a web3 user, you're probably familiar with the long and confusing addresses used to send and receive assets like KLAY, NFT, and other tokens. These addresses are difficult to remember and share, and they can be easily mistyped, leading to lost funds. KNS can solve this problem.

What is KNS?

The Klaytn Naming Service (KNS) is a decentralized domain name system built on the Klaytn blockchain and inspired by ENS. KNS allows users to create human-readable names that can be used to represent Klaytn addresses, smart contracts, and other network resources.

To create a KNS, refer to the user guide here. To use KNS in Kaikas, follow the guide below.

Step 1: Install Kaikas

Step 2: Transfer assets using KNS