19:00 to ~22:15 CEST (see event in your timezone)

First time at an Open Space or #humansconf event? Check out our description of the event's format. What is an Open Space?

Theme of this Open Space

People & their interactions

Anything about people and their interactions. Ranging from ways to collaborate that foster empathy and insight, strategies for establishing sustainable pace and avoiding burnout, to tips on how to practice closeness when you’re working in a remote team.

Bring your challenges, your questions, your strategies, failures, successes and stories.

How to prepare for the Open Space

How to host a session

How to add sessions to the agenda

What to do as a session host

Feel free to add session to the 'No Time' column and not yet take a specific time slot in the agenda. We will then jointly assign your session to a time slot during the Opening of the Open Space.


Below times are given in CEST timezone.

Session Agenda