by Elisa Thelvarik

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The most sustainable clothing is already in your closet.

The Lowdown from the Podcast

In the beginning, they talk about how the pandemic has caused people to slow down on their clothing consumption and think about their purchases. I personally have never been a big spender, but being stuck inside did make me reflect on the clothes I currently have and the reason behind my previous purchases. Most of the clothing I have in my closet are impulse purchases. If I am being honest they weren't even bought with sustainability in mind. Giving myself that time to look at the tags and condition of my clothing has made me reflect on how I can utilize what I have and give all of my clothes a good life.

During the interview, Elizabeth Cline spoke extensively on garment workers in Bangladesh not being paid.

This reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend where they did not think this was important enough. The reason people consistently speak about fast fashion and the unfair treatment of garment workers is because people don't understand the significance. People are being taken advantage of for the needs of the fashion industry and it is still has not been solved. This proves that we need to keep talking about this

Keep bringing up the ethical problem of unfair treatment of factory workers. If the issue is still happening, it's still relevant.

Elizabeth Cline also brought up her experience in PayUpFashion and fighting for livable wages. She circles back to these points at the end of the podcast with a call for systemic change. The problem of underpaying workers is still prevalent today and will not stop until we can CHANGE THE INDUSTRY. If we continue supporting this industry, nothing will change.

Fashion activism is something that I believe is not talked about enough. Educating yourself on fast fashion is one of the first and most important steps to fashion activism.

Elizabeth Cline is the author of *The Conscious Closet: The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good,* which is an educational toolkit with ways for people to understand their everyday clothing choices and build a better wardrobe with clothing that is ethical, sustainable, and more wearable.

I love the emphasis on using what you have rather than buying new and improved clothing. During the podcast, she says to put less focus on buying new, more sustainable pieces of clothing.

It's not about the product but how you use it.

This quote from this podcast resonated with me. If you wear a fast-fashion sweater for 5 years and continue to mend or sew it together, you are utilizing that sweater well. It would have been so much worse if you just threw that sweater away.

More sustainable pieces cost more for obvious reasons. There is a prominent financial cost to having a sustainable closet. Slow fashion can only be combatted with intentional purchases that will last longer.

There was another topic that I really loved, and it was the association with ethical fashion and minimalism.

I am not a minimalist, and I don't think I ever will be. I love stuff! I love colors! I love a good sparkly shirt or a pink hair accessory every once in a while.

You do not have to be a minimalist to be sustainable.

The stereotypes of minimalism (no prints, fewer pieces of clothing, neutral colors) are usually pushed onto sustainability. You do not need to do this! Find your own personal style. Find what works for you and your closet.

If you have a lot of pieces that you really love and wear consistently, you still have a sustainable closet. Again, it's all about how you utilize your closet.

Guest | Elizabeth L. Cline

Guest | Elizabeth L. Cline

Hosts | Laura and Liza

Hosts | Laura and Liza

How to Develop a Sustainable Closet

To develop a sustainable closet, you need to understand more about your clothing.

Questions to Ask:

What is the brand?

Where is my clothing made?

What types of fiber are used?

<aside> 💡 Overwashing is rampant. Doing a load of laundry uses up more water and energy than you think. Wash with intention! If you wore that jacket once this week, do you need to wash it right now?


For more information on fibers and how to determine if your fibers are better for your skin, your washing machine, and the environment:

Click Here for More Resources!

If you have pieces of clothing that do not bring you joy and you want to get rid of it, make sure to do it the right way! Donate them! Make sure you are looking at what organization you are donating to. Research is key!

Selling your clothes is a sustainable option that also helps you fund your new adaptation of a sustainable closet.

The most important advice I learned on developing a sustainable closet is to FORGIVE YOURSELF!

Everyone has contributed to fast fashion; you are not alone.

Creating a completely eco-friendly and fast fashion-free closet takes time!

My Key Takeaways

  1. Utilize the clothing you have
  2. Assess your closet objectively (why, when, and how do you shop?)
  3. Learn to gain closet contentment

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