What is a job

A job is an opportunity in a job seeker's board. It is important to note that a job will always be linked to a job seeker, which is different from Job Posts, which are opportunities that all of your job seekers can view and save a Jobs into their boards. Jobs live within a stage inside a job seeker's board.

As an example, if two job seekers found the same opportunity through LinkedIn and saved it to their respective Huntr Boards, then there would be 2 jobs in the Huntr system, each one linked to the job seeker who saved it, and each one living in the job seeker/owner's private board. As an advisor, you can jump into each job seeker's board and view all their jobs.

How to save jobs

Job seekers can save jobs either by manually adding them into their board or by saving them from any job search site using the Huntr Chrome Extension.

Advisors can also save jobs directly into job seekers board either manually (by going into the job seeker's board from their advisor portal) or by using the Chrome Extension were they will be able to select a job seeker's board from a dropdown containing all job seekers in the organization.

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