Startup script to set the System Properties

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

import jenkins.model.Jenkins
import java.util.logging.LogManager

/* Jenkins home directory */
def jenkinsHome = Jenkins.instance.getRootDir().absolutePath
def logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("")

/* Replace the Key and value with the values you want to set.*/
/* System.setProperty(key, value)*/
System.setProperty("hudson.model.WorkspaceCleanupThread.disabled", "true")"Jenkins Startup Script: Successfully updated the system properties. Script location: ${jenkinsHome}/init.groovy.d")

Visit,java.lang.String) to see how to use setProperty.

Step 4:

Restart the Jenkins server, you can manually restart the server using :

<Jenkins-server-URL>/restart or <Jenkins-server-URL>/safeRestart

Step 5:

Check the logs after Jenkins restart: Manage Jenkins → System Log. You can see while server is starting, its executing the startup-properties.groovy script which is inside init.groovy.d directory.*kjzZCxTixWCYsQbIcfRkzA.png

For example, run the below scripts in Script Console to check the System Properties, you will see the required key and values.
