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💡 Definitions

Ecosia search comes up with these:

  1. an area of land overgrown with dense forest and tangled vegetation, typically in the tropics.

  2. a wild tangled mass of vegetation or other things.

In this topic, we invite you to make a jungle out of your garden (if you have one). Plant an apple tree. Get some pollinator friendly plants. Go to an area of nature and watch a woodlouse for an hour.


📚 Books

The Garden Jungle by Dave Goulson

A Buzz in the Garden also by Dave Goulson

Bee Quest also by Dave Goulson

Local is our future by Helena Norberg Hodge

Fresh food from small spaces by R.J. Ruppenthal

Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway

The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka

Farming while Black by Leah Penniman

The New Farm by Brent Preston