The iteration actions are like loop in programing language. It iterates over each value in the array and executes flow of actions that are place inside.

When configuring iterations, you are have to work with index and value of the array. When you turn on the dev mode, you have access to the first(index 0) value from the array as a sample to work with.

There are many types of iteration actions to choose from. Below is a table of their purpose, pros, and cons

Purpose Pros Cons
All are True Tests array to see if all are true Fast Does not extract value, Does not change data
Any is True Tests array to see if any is true Fast Does not extract value, Does not change data
Filter Filter elements Fast Does not extract value, Does not change data
Find Index
Find Value
For Each Extract value & take action Can extract value Can be slow
Map Apply change to original data Can change original Data Does not extract value, Does not filter data

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