No code can be integrated or submitted if it’s not related to an issue. All code must has comments as self-documentation.

Code must follow Google's style guide:

Master: Production code. Develop: Integrated code.

How to Create a Ticket

Every task must be related to an issue.

To create an issue you should add it name, ticket, description, relate it to a label, and give it a priority level.

How to Pick a Ticket

Every task has a related ticket, description, priority and deadline, you should only pick a ticket that has a high priority and its deadline is near to finish. Then create a new branch with the name of the issue you've picked.

How to Commit

Once you've picked a ticket and accomplish it, you should follow the next pattern:

There can't be any lint error in production code, therefore your code needs to be error free from its creation, you can't commit if there's a lint error and you should fix it. This process will be automated with GitHub's webhooks.

#<ticket> <add|fix|delete|change|update> brief description about the work done


git commit -m '#004 add user signup endpoint' 

How to Push