
In the zammoAppLaunched event in your zammostartingbot, do the following:

  1. Add a Branch: If/else block immediately below the first Send a response block by clicking the plus sign and selecting Create a condition > Branch: If/else from the pop-up menu
    1. Set the Condition for this block to == "directline"


  1. In the False branch of the If/else that we just added, add a Set a property block by clicking the plus sign and selecting Manage properties > Set a property from the pop-up menu
    1. The Property of the block can be named whatever you choose. (In this example, I’m using callingFromPhoneNumber).
    2. Ensure that you have chosen conversation scope for this property, as a user’s phone number will not change during the conversation. This keeps you from having to get the user’s phone number multiple times.
    3. Set the Value of the property to =replace([](<>), '+1', '')
      1. Phone numbers are captured in the format +1NNNNNNNNNN; this formula crops the +1 off the front of the number.

<aside> 💡 If your users are calling from a different country code, substitute the appropriate country code for +1.

