1. Open the documentation page of the Iroha and go through "Getting started" page with following changes:

    1. Clone the Iroha from the Github using develop branch
  2. For the Docker image replace iroha:develop by iroha:1.0.0_rc4

  3. On the "Creating the First Transaction" step consider following changes:

    1. You can also send transaction after every step in aim to get more control and understanding of process.

    2. You can check status of every transaction by performing "3. New transaction status request (st)" operation and entering transaction hash, which is always returned after sending transaction to the server (marked by green pointer on the picture below).


  4. Do not shutdown your Iroha node until the end of the workshop.

  5. Download sources of the facade library for the Iroha from the github: https://github.com/hyperledger/iroha-java

  6. We are interested in the most stable version of Iroha for the current day, v1.0.0_rc4, hence you need to switch to the corresponding branch.

  7. Build it and run the example of using the library using IDE. The example is located inside the library: iroha-java/src/test/java/jp/co/soramitsu/iroha/java/Example1.java

  8. Go through the code in the iroha-java/client/src/test/java/jp/co/soramitsu/iroha/java/Example1.java file in the aim to understand the approach to executing commands and performing queues.

  9. Clone repository of simple REST API middleware server from https://github.com/vadimreutskiy/iroha_workshop_middleware

  10. Build it and check main paths of the API

  11. Implement methods in for the following functions (all operations should use the single admin account for signing them, except transferring):

  12. Test that everything works correctly by doing queries using CLI or use the Postman tool to interact through the web server.