Dear friends, colleagues, followers, and partners,

Our society faces many complex problems that we can't solve without shifting to a collaborative mindset, like climate change, effective governance and social injustices.

To facilitate this shift, we (,, Cocoon Pro, IDLab and Purpose Ventures) and our network partners started the non-profit initiative WISDOM.

Our mission is to grow a community of economically sustainable organisations that co-develop the technological, economic, and social infrastructure to increase society's capacity for collaboration at scale.

Want to see this become reality? Consider voicing your support with this short 3 minute survey and letting us know how you want to engage. More info below.


In pursuit of the Horizon 2020 call ICT-54-2020 subtopic 3, WISDOM is launching SENSE — an incubator for collaborative knowledge tools.

With this incubator we aim to grow a distributed innovation & research community of economically sustainable organisations that co-develop the technological, economic, and social infrastructure for a human-centric internet and collaboration at scale.

This H2020 call gives a consortium of organizations €6m funding, of which €4.2m is distributed to outstanding academic research groups, hi-tech start-ups, SMEs and others, contributing to the research and innovation area via cascade funding model. Read full proposal >>

Together with the cohort of teams SENSE prototypes software tools, facilitation methods, and (economic) incentive structures for scalable collaboration between users and organizations.

SENSE focus on 3 things in the cohort of teams:

  1. Applying ethical business models and regenerative investor reward models (e.g. Steward Ownership or (Platform) Coops) that give organisations the economic freedom to:
  2. Applying professional mentorship and facilitation for individual growth, effective team governance and inter-organisational collaboration to increase shared alignment, collaboration and efficacy of the NGI funds.
  3. Applying a strong focus on teams producing software that adhere to principles of interoperability, data ownership & decentralisation to create an open data ecosystem with increased potential for innovation and shared infrastructure.

Teams backed by the SENSE incubator consist of at least a developer, a business person, and a product designer and will receive a budget of 13.000€/month for a duration of 13 months, a 25.000€ budget to fund collaborative projects with other teams, and a 6000€ budget to run community events.

We don't need just new companies with new approaches. We need a new generation of leaders, teams and organisations. During their time in the incubator teams will receive mentorship & facilitation to become grounded leaders, effective and compassionate teams, ethical businesses and good at collaborating for win-win-win situations across organisational boundaries.

Read full proposal >>