We have all been there! After investing tremendous hours in interviews and case studies, all we get is a simple rejection email without any further insight or a personal chat. The moment you become irrelevant it's just a push of a button. Click, and all you are left with is a big WHY and limited possibilities to reflect and improve.

Rejection doesn't have to be the main product of an interview process and if done right can be a great learning experience for both parties.

We try to give you as much insight possible to respect your efforts in the giving limitation we have both legally and resource-wise.

Feedback is a two-way street. Your feedback is equally important to us and we are always curious to hear how you have experienced the journey with us and what we can do to improve our candidate experience.

You always meet twice in life!

Which level of feedback can you expect from us?

We will offer no personal feedback in writing. However, we offer feedback calls in every stage of the interview process after the application.

Stage: Application

<aside> 💡 In case we see potential, but miss certain information in your CV/Profile we ask you for further information


Stage: Intro Chat

Stage: Team Lead Chat

Stage: Case Study

Stage: Team Chat + Case Study De-Brief, Founder Interview

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