PSIR 228, Spring 2022

👨🏽‍💼 Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökser Gökçay ✉️ Email: [email protected] 🗣️ Lecture Hours: Wednesday 09:00-11:30, Hybrid Lecture Zoom and Face-to-Face, South Campus GEB103 👥 Office Hours: Zoom meeting, only by appointment. Click the link to make an appointment:

📒 Course Description

In this course, we will analyze the main contours of history of international relations in the twentieth century and beyond. We will discuss the main conflicts, wars, peace movements, international cooperation, and global transformations in the transnational arena, which had been founded upon the legacy of the long nineteenth century. The course starts with the developments leading to the Great War and ends with the global pandemic of the 2020s. We will not only focus on the diplomatic and military relations between the nation-states, but also focus on themes like democracy, international political economy, decolonization, Cold War, development, globalization, human rights and environmental protection.

📅 Course Schedule

<aside> 📌 Below is the ideal schedule for this semester. Changes or modifications may occur, for a variety of reasons. We will discuss and make changes if the need arises.




🧠 Mid-Term and Final Examinations

The exams will be essay–type and open ended. The students will be responsible for both course materials and class notes. There will be no fill in the blanks, true or false, or multiple choice type of questions. The detailed information about the exams will be given during the lectures the week before the exam. Grade Distribution: Mid-Term Exam 40% + Final Exam 60%. It is also possible to get bonus points added to your final exam grade whose details you can see below:

Bonus Assignment

🗝 Course Objectives

<aside> 📌 After taking this course, students are expected:
