Congrats! 👏 You are so close to discover a new way provided by **** to embed interactive and auto-updated charts and tables into Notion pages.

Guide: How to embed chart into page

You may create static🧘🏽‍♀️and dynamic🚴🏻‍♂️visualizations from files, links, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Trello, Google Sheets, Google Analytics, GitHub and etc.

🛠 Create a custom connector for your data source or app using our API and visualize it using report editor and built-in calculations.

Find how reports looks like for different apps and sources below.

📈 Stocks

Please move mouse over chart to explore diff of prices

💥 Top 20 Voted Products on Product Hunt

Visual table from file with data taken on 25 November 2019 from Product Hunt API

🚗 Trello Development Visualization

Stacked bar shows how features are delivered by Trello team. It is connected to Trello Development Public Board and auto-updated every 4 hours.

Please move the mouse over colored boxes to explore names of concrete features.

Switch to table view by clicking "All Features List"

🖥 GitHub Stats

Statistics for some GitHub Vizydrop’s repositories.