Google sheet is a web-based spreadsheet application, that helps you to create, edit and collaborate spreadsheets wherever you are. Google Sheet makes it easy to review and analyze data.

Integrating Google Sheets with Heyform lets you send responses automatically to the desired google sheet as soon as someone completes your HeyForm. You can then make your data pop with colorful charts and conditional formatting to create graphs, transforming raw data into digestible insights that will brighten up any meeting.

Google Sheets Integration

Follow these 3 step process to send your HeyForm responses automatically to your Google Sheet in real time.

  1. Authorize your Google Account

    Authorize HeyForm with your Google Account to send responses to your Google Sheets. Click on "Sign to Google Sheets" and choose the Google Account you want integrate with HeyForm.

  2. Choose your Google Sheet

  3. Map HeyForm fields with Google Sheet columns

Once you are done with mapping the corresponding fields you can click "Connect with Google Sheets" to activate the integration.

If you do not have a google sheet, Then go to your Google Sheets account, create a new sheet with necessary details, and then integrate with HeyForm.