Airtable is a spreadsheet-database hybrid, with the features of a database but applied to a spreadsheet. Users can create a database, set up column types, add records, link tables to one another, and collaborate with teammates in real-time.

Integrating Heyform with Airtable lets you automatically sync form submissions with the Airtable database. You can seamlessly organize incoming data and collaborate with your team instantly.

AirTable Integration

Follow these steps to automatically sync form responses with AirTable Database.

  1. Authentication with AirTable

    Airtable uses simple token-based authentication. To generate or manage your API key, visit your AirTable account page.

    Under the API section in AirTable account page you can generate a new API key, if you have not done it before. Copy the generated API key and paste it in the HeyForm integration page.

  2. Select the desired AirTable Table

    1. Map HeyForm fields with AirTable table columns

    Once you are done with mapping the corresponding fields you can click "Connect with AirTable" to activate the integration.