Read Me: This is written from the perspective of an enthusiast and lay-person. This is all evidence collected from primary sources. Please consult a healthcare administrator, licensed health insurance agent, your primary care provider, or your local community clinic for resources specific to your situation. I am simply a technology venture capitalist, investor in health technology, board director of a clinical practice and telemedicine platform, and concerned citizen. -Kanyi Maqubela

Updated for 04/09/20

6.6 million people applied for unemployment insurance (UI) last week. 6.9 million people applied the week before. That number is 2x higher than the previous record for unemployment claims in a week–– the 3 million the week before that. The COVID-19 crisis is of a magnitude and intensity we haven't seen in this country in a generation. It's important to note: applied for UI does not mean "were unemployed". There are plenty of gig workers –– Uber drivers, freelancers, contractors –– people who don't know about unemployment insurance, people who got discouraged by what we are hearing are very long wait times on the phone and crashing websites, or simply weren't eligible.

In my humble opinion, the most important implication of this newfound employment shock is: in a country where so much health insurance is tied to employers: where will 10 (to 40) million people get healthcare? If this job loss weren't because of a pandemic, I reckon this would be the #1 priority. Now, it is the #0 priority. So what to do (right now) if you are one of these people?

What to do if I lose my job and need health insurance?

You have three options:

With ACA insurance, you can get tax credits and subsidized coverage depending on your financial situation. Unfortunately, the website is famously not the most user-friendly interface out there. (See below.) But there are good resources for making this process more legible.

It's painful, trust me.

It's painful, trust me.

I am biased, but I really love what Catch has created. It has a broker for health exchange. But it also bundles tax-withholding, retirement savings, and other critical financial resources for consumers directly, so they can get the infrastructure that is typically provided by employers.