1. To get started, send me a quick email at [email protected] letting me know you'll be participating. No need to wait on a reply, you can start writing immediately.
  2. Add a folder with your name on it to the Scribble Society Google Drive. Please note that you'll need to be signed into your Google account to add folders and documents. Click the sign in button on the top right of the Google Drive screen. You can add as many documents as you like under your folder. Make sure to keep a backup copy of all your writing!
  3. Use the comment feature on Google Docs to leave constructive feedback to several of your peers. Watch the tutorial below on how use the comment tool:


  1. Please be respectful and specific whenever possible with your feedback. Instead of saying "I like this part," you might comment, "I like this part because of the vivid language you use to describe the setting."

  2. Once you have received feedback, you can start working on revisions. When you feel your submissions are almost ready please let me know and we can polish up the grammar.

  3. Our final step will be to submit to the archive and plan a virtual showcase/party!