The Windows installer of McMyAdmin 2 is much faster and easier to run, but it’s not impossible for Mac OS X users to run either with just a few extra steps:

  1. Visit  and download the Mono Universal Installer

  2. Once downloaded, run the installer MonoFramework-MDK-

  3. Once Mono is installed, open up Terminal (found in Applications > Utilities)Type in the following commands into the terminal, pressing the return key after each line:

    mkdir ~/McMyAdmin
    cd ~/McMyAdmin
    wget <>
    mono McMyAdmin.exe -setpass [YOURPASSWORD] -configonly

    Note that [YOURPASSWORD] **should be substituted for an actual password that you’re going to use.

  4. Start McMyAdmin by typing the following command into Terminal:

    cd ~/McMyAdmin; mono McMyAdmin.exe

NB: If the above wget command doesn't work for you, you most likely don't have it installed. To install it, first start by installing Homebrew.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL <>)"

Once that's installed, you just need to use homebrew to install wget:

brew install wget

and then you're good! You may need to reboot for the changes to take effect.

NB: On some Mac systems, you may not have a JDK (Java Developer Kit) installed and might come up with this warning:

If that's the case, follow the More Info... link provided by the pop-up to Download Java for Mac OS X (