If interested in advertising on inkblot.art we have a few guidelines that need to be reviewed.

Advertising Content Requirements

Before filling out our submission form please review these requirements. If unsure you can always reach out and the team will be more than happy to work with you on creating an ad suitable for approval.

  1. InkBlot is supportive of both SFW and NSFW but because our ad placements are currently for all to view both logged in and out, we will require for content (images or ad content) to be SFW.
  2. Images/ GIFs should be eye catching but not a visual disturbance. Prime Example Neon Colors or ‘Eye strains’ will not be approved. Gifs should not be ‘flashing’ or dizzying behavior.
  3. Links should lead to SFW spaces. (Note: NSFW services/content should not be easily accessible when visiting this link)

Approvals/Rejections of submissions will be notified within 2-3 business days! An email from [email protected] will be in touch. Business days does not include Weekends or Holidays.

Rejections will be sent if the ad needs to be modified for approval. You can always resubmit/work with the team to get approved, we encourage it!

Process & Payment

Choosing from the packages/options listed the process will go similar to:

  1. Review the packages below, Advertising Guidelines before selecting an option.
  2. Fill out our submission form with the requested information which includes website address, brief description, optional file upload, etc.
  3. InkBlot Team will reach out to you after reviewing the submission to move forward in the process
  4. Payment will be upfront done in USD via Invoice sent by InkBlot’s Paypal only after submission has been approved.
  5. Invoice will be due within 7 days of creation or submission will be declined.
  6. Once invoice is paid, we will post the ad(s) on the agreed upon date (MST/GMT-7)
  7. If available we will let you know once the ad is nearly finished, and offer renewal to keep it going!
  8. Finished ad campaigns will come with a metric report via email.

Any questions or concerns please contact InkBlot Support [email protected].