This page deals with how curators can best approach onboarding new organisations to become part of the PlaceCal Partnership. Curators nominate their own organisations, find them through referrals or through research in the community.

For each new organisation you identify, you will need to:

  1. Conduct initial research to determine suitability.
  2. Decide who to meet (the potential PlaceCal Manager) and think of what to say.
  3. Meet with your representative, introduce the person to PlaceCal, and help them decide if they want to join the Partnership.
  4. Work with your representative to publish information about their organisation on PlaceCal.
  5. Identify the key contacts who will manage and maintain the information (Admins).
  6. Agree a schedule for adding event information, and optionally creating a news article.

Initial contact

Before meeting up with your potential Manager, it’s important to find out as much as you can about the new organisation before you begin. This will save time for everyone involved by ensuring that the group is suitable and you’re meeting the right person.

A partial checklist of relevant information to research is:

Create a ticket in your chosen project management system (for example, Trello) with all this information to later review with the group when you meet.

When your preliminary research is complete, contact the group. Explain the benefits of the PlaceCal project for both the neighbourhood and the group itself so they are more motivated to meet with you.