We have 750+ ingredients; if we missed one you are using, you can request it through our ingredient request service.

Requesting a New Ingredient

If you cannot find an ingredient in the drop-down menu, you can request the missing ingredient. To make a request, scroll to the bottom of the drop-down menu and click Request an Ingredient. It will take you to our request form page, which can be found below.

The more information you can provide in the request form, the faster the ingredient can be added.


Once the ingredient is requested, we will notify you via email that the ingredient is now available. If it cannot be added, you will also receive an email with an explanation.

Waiting for new Ingredient

If you made a request and are waiting for a new ingredient to be available, please refrain from making the dish(es) with the missing ingredient public. To keep your customers safe, the missing ingredient could be a part of most common allergens or dietary preferences. You can view the list of common allergens and preferences here.

Can not find more than a few ingredients

If you can’t find more than a few ingredients, contact our support team for help. Send us the list of the 5 or more ingredients you cannot find, and we’ll try to add them as soon as possible.