For today's short post, I wanted to share two pieces on imposter syndrome.

  1. The Dunning-Kruger curve:

    The Dunning-Kruger curve describes a hypothetical type of cognitive bias where individuals with varying levels of competency will feel various level of confidence. The Dunning-Kruger effect is the opposite of imposter syndrome — where those of low abilities overestimate their skill.

    I've always been curious about those in the middle of the curve. These individuals perceive their competency as lower than it is. Perhaps these individuals humbly realize they still have much to learn, or perhaps, it's imposter syndrome.

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  1. This tweet on imposter syndrome from Dr. Anderson.

In discussions of imposter syndrome, we are often suggested to seek peer or admin support. What's lacking is discussion about the underrepresented populations in positions of power and the oppressive systems that tell us we do not belong.