Week one

This week we where back with IXD303 where we went over what we would be doing throughout this semester. We talk about what UX is and what it means to me and to me UX is the process of creating a product for a user that meets their needs and does what they need it to do in the quickest and easiest time. And that we as designers sit somewhere in between the problems, people and the process. We also looked at how in the center of all things Ux is humans as humans design it and humans use it. We also looked at how humans will want your site to work the same was as others as they will transfer expectations they have built from other products. By using existing models we can create superior experience so it is easier fro users to achieve their goals. The example we looked at was Monzo and Ulster Bank as they have two very different experiences but provide the same services but that Monzo have more features that Ulster Bank.

For the first part of this project we have to team up to do research. We where show a clip from the movie Apollo 13 where different engineers come together to create a solution to the Apollo 13 crews problem. This is to get us used to working as part of a team in the real world and to show:


Double diamond - design council

In class today we talked about the double diamond that was created by the design council. The double diamond shows a clear, extensive and visual description of what a design process looks like. In semester 1 we looked at a similar design path that helped when design my app last year. The double diamond lays out the designs process from Discover to Define to Develop to Deliver, it also shows arrows goin back cause sometimes when you are developing a project you can show it to the customer but after talking to them you make have to make changes so you may be on the delivery stage and then have to go back to an earlier stage.

The double diamond also talk about design being people centered, communication, collaboration and iteration.


Design Kit

IDEO is a design company all about human centered design and they have created design kit to help people with designing. They have help with inspiration, ideation and implementation. This will be very useful when carrying out research and generating ideas for my project.

Jakobs law


The name Jakobs Law was created by Jakob Nielsen who is a co founding member of the Nielsen Norman group that he co founded with Dr. Donald Norman. Jakobs Law says: