Send this easy, pre-written email to file a complaint with B-Corp's Standards team about Hootsuite.

<aside> 📢 We are asking B-Corp to review Hootsuite’s B-Corp certification after they signed $500,000/year worth of licenses to ICE and misled the public about it. We also ask that B-Corp hold Hootsuite accountable in the form of an apology and a formal review of their actions, which violate B-Corp values.




[email protected]



Complaint Re: Hootsuite

Hello BCorp Standards Team,

I'm reaching out to you today to file a formal complaint against social media management platform, Hootsuite. I ask that you investigate Hootsuite's B-Corp Certified actions and review their certification status.

Hootsuite entered into a three-year partnership with the U.S. Immigrations & Customs Enforcement (ICE), a U.S. agency engaged in abuse, torture and murder of asylum-seekers and immigrants. Furthermore, they attempted to intentionally mislead the public about the nature of their relationship with ICE.

According to a brave Hootsuite whistleblower, the company was well aware of ICE's record of human rights abuse when they entered into a 3-year contract with the agency. Hootsuite countered the whistleblowers claims, saying the company has not "entered into a partnership with ICE."