The special police in a AU world.

Key concepts

Concepts and terminology

World Government (full unification after 1971)

IBOCR (International Bureau of Covert Relations/Reconnaissance) was originally an intelligence organization, now transformed into special police purposes... the organization's name was never changed despite the different role.

Motto (intelligence before 1971): Order and unity

Motto (special police after 1971): Devotio in umbra, officium in luce (also Walter’s family motto)

Emblem (since 1980): Eagle, Six pointed Star, Skull and Laurels.

Color: Grey (shades of grey depending on the Branch), grey for car lights (variants of grey).

Music playlist: TBA

Emergency IBOCR phone number: (International Federal prefix number) + 180

Special Day (Federal public holiday) : June 1st, as the day to honor their own forces.


A two-level organization as a combination of police and intelligence force. They specialize in covert operations and deals, data gathering and monitoring, along with a unique first level of combined executive-judiciary power force.

The IBOCR do most of the dirty work on behalf of the Federation.

They don't hide that or their new judiciary role; they rather emphasize it to maintain a high level of fear to control the population.

Their specialty is making people disappear which are their favorite way.

The local laws involve death penalties and citizen class revocations rather than minor fines.

They use some police ranks and are considered "civilian class citizens" despite most of them having a military background at the beginning.

Public Image

The IBOCR slowly switched to a special police force and the population has gotten used to their presence. The public do not know much about the IBOCR and it generally inspires them either fear and hatred. They are feared, which is their main objective, but over the years most have accepted them in their lives.

They are labelled the “police of the shadow”.

The IBOCR use maximum force to inflict fear.

This image above is only intended for higher resolution of symbols and position of the various elements.

This image above is only intended for higher resolution of symbols and position of the various elements.

Early emblem, before 1968

Early emblem, before 1968

Flag version

Flag version

IBOCR emblem (1980-)

IBOCR emblem (1980-)

IBOCR topics

IBOCR History

IBOCR Uniforms

IBOCR Career Path

IBOCR Medals & Awards


IBOCR Organization

IBOCR Personnel Stats

IBOCR Recruitment

IBOCR Resignation, dismissal and retirement

IBOCR Authority Order

IBOCR Appearance Regulations

IBOCR Protocols