If you want to deploy some logic to a FPGA and talk to that logic over PCIE, it’s harder than it has any right to be, but it can be done by gluing together Xilinx’s XDMA core and the logic using AXI. We’ll use memory mapped I/O (MMIO) to actually transfer data from the host to the FPGA.


Since so much of the tooling around FPGAs is proprietary (and thus brittle as hell) so it’s worth mentioning that I got this to work using 2021.1 Xilinx tools and on an Artix 7 (PicoEVB with XC7A50T-CSG325-1).


One of the most annoying things about working with FPGAs is the immense number of acronyms that documentation expects you to be familiar with. Hopefully this alleviates some of your frutration with that.

The Kernel

As the kernel we’ll use something simple, in particular something we can use Vitis HLS to synthesize for us:

void kernel(int* out, int in){
	*out = 2*in;