Sex, Gender and Sexual orientation

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Why is human sexuality a spectrum?

Biological sex

Biological sex is determined by chromosomes, circulating hormones and external/internal reproductive organs, which often do NOT fall into the binary categories of male and female.

Instead, biological sex is a spectrum, in which the female and male sexes fall on both extremes of the spectrum.

A simplified diagram of the spectrum of biological sex

A simplified diagram of the spectrum of biological sex

Our sex is often assigned to us at birth based on our external genitalia alone. However, sex assigned at birth is not always accurate or inline **with our internal reproductive organs, chromosomes and/or hormones.

This phenomenon is *often seen as a condition/genetic defect that needs treatment*, even when it does not pose health risks, due to societal notions of what is “normal”.

Click on the image for detailed descriptions of biological variations of intersex people. Not all intersex people want/need treatment.

Click on the image for detailed descriptions of biological variations of intersex people. Not all intersex people want/need treatment.

Why Biological sex is not a binary (Youtube video)

Why Biological sex is not a binary (Youtube video)

Gender identity

Gender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender influenced by environmental & biological factors, such as culture, hormones, etc. Gender identity is not always a reflection of one's biological sex or sex assigned at birth, because social factors play a role in it as much as biological factors do.