To make sure your content gets picked up by the engineering community, keep in mind that the goal should be to provide engineers with the knowledge they need to innovate.

Broadly speaking engineers express that they use in two different ways:

Therefore, think of writing about subjects that are relevant during the ideation, engineering, and design phases of product development, such as content about specific designs or technologies, or their application. Secondly, what higher-level technological developments are important to know about? What new technology could you explain on a level to a new audience?

Engineers value factual information and knowledge-based, well-argued points of view. Including references to the sources of your information is important, as it underlines the credibility of your article, as well as it provides readers details for further reading.

Good questions to ask yourself when writing:

Both long-form and short-form content are welcome, as long as articles are at least 300 words long. Longer form (1200+ words) content that is more in-depth generally scores better; both on Wevolver itself as SEO-wise. Furthermore, content doesn’t have to be restrained to be primarily text. You can consider adding videos, infographics, etc. as well. Those will increase the reading experience and usually keeps people longer on your article (which again helps with rankings too). All in all, quality always matters most.

Focus on evergreen content; articles that remain relevant and valuable over time. We’ll cover news (e.g. company X announces new investment) later on in this article.