Create a video that has a clear, compelling value proposition and keep it short.

When creating your video, make sure you have a clear and compelling value proposition in the first 5-10 seconds. This is your time to hook them!

In order to maximize the effectiveness of a video, it should be kept short. Approximately 30-60 seconds is ideal. Any longer than that and people might start losing interest.

Keep it simple! Don't try to do too much with a single video; make sure that you are focusing on just one specific message or benefit for your audience. If you try to cover too much ground, it will most likely be more confusing for your viewers, which could lead to frustration or even disinterest in your product/service.

Don't be afraid to use text instead of narration in order to clearly communicate key points about your product or service - especially if there's technical information involved (e.g., benefits/features). Text can help keep viewers engaged with what they're watching while also ensuring they don't miss out any important details because they weren't paying attention when something was spoken aloud during those crucial early moments...

On your landing page, make sure your video is as prominent as possible.

When you are designing your landing page, you want to make sure that your video is as prominent as possible. I’ve seen many businesses embed the video at the bottom of their landing pages, or even worse on another page. This should be avoided at all costs. Most consumers won’t take the time to scroll down to find it and if it is on another page they may not even see it at all.

Make sure that the video is placed above-the-fold, so that when someone lands on your page, they can instantly play the video without having to scroll down or click away from your page. Make sure that there isn’t too much content above-the-fold competing with your video for attention and make sure that the video isn’t too large so that people have to scroll down anyway just to see all of it.

Use calls to action in your videos to encourage people to take the next step.

Many people make the mistake of simply setting vague goals like, ‘I want to get fit.' With no focus and no real target it's impossible to actually achieve anything. It's important to define the problem in order to structure a solution.

So start by asking yourself, why do I want to get fit? Do I want better health? To lose weight? Or maybe you're a competitive athlete and want stronger bones and muscles for your sport. Once you've worked out what your problem is, only then can you start on a solution.

Encourage your subscribers to share your videos with their friends.

If you want to get your videos seen by a large audience, you'll have to do some marketing. After all, the purpose of making videos is to build a relationship with your customers and grow your brand's reach.

To start, post your video content directly on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Encourage fans and followers to share it with their networks. In addition, make sure that your videos can be easily embedded or linked from other websites so people can share them from there as well.

Finally, don't forget about calls-to-action in the form of annotations or overlays on YouTube. They can encourage viewers to check out more of your videos or subscribe for regular updates.

Realize that video can work in many different parts of the sales and marketing funnel.

Using video content in your marketing means you don’t have to wait until the bottom of the funnel to connect with buyers. You can use video at every stage of the buying process, including: