<aside> 💡 Here's a quick walkthrough the main features of this Book Tracker that will help you turn your insights into actions.


<aside> 🎉 Like this template? Got feedback for me? Whatever it is, I would love to hear from you. Shoot me a DM on Twitter or email me ([email protected]) and let me know what doesn't work for you, which feature you'd love or which template you'd like to see next.


Adding your first book

You can add books on your [Home Dashboard](<https://matthiasfrank.notion.site/Book-Notes-In-Notion-Turning-Insights-Into-Action-6bf525d457274a4cb6d955ed19229290>) or anywhere you see the [My Books](<https://matthiasfrank.notion.site/a99a19342af54e1a9460a0605ff13e68>) database. Simply navigate to the New Book Template or press the new button and select the template there.


In order for the cover of the book to show up, you'll need to upload it. The easiest way to do so is to navigate to amazon, search for your book and then right click on the shown image. Opt for the Copy Image adress option.


Next, paste the link into the Embed Link option when clicking on the Cover property of the new book.


<aside> 💡 Tip: write down your Why when you add a new book. This will serve as a gentle reminder why you care about this book and motivate you to actually read it.


At the end, make sure that the Statistics Property shows My Stats. This ensures that the stats function in the template works properly. If you apply the template New Book, this should happen automatically.


Reading a book

This template is designed to help you turn your insights into actions.

Most of this process will happen on the dashboard of each individual book. To get this dashboard, simply load the New Book template if you haven't done so already.