<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/21bc4433-10d8-4534-b29e-0edb2c8af3f6/SM_Profile_Pic_-_Copy.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/21bc4433-10d8-4534-b29e-0edb2c8af3f6/SM_Profile_Pic_-_Copy.jpg" width="40px" /> Tool by Jordan D. ParkerYouTube | Discord | **Linktree ”Let’s craft an epic life together!”**



<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/97c646a2-11cb-4115-a2b9-95770876ba68/cbimage.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/97c646a2-11cb-4115-a2b9-95770876ba68/cbimage.png" width="40px" /> DaVinci Resolve Advanced ImporterDownload | GitHub | License


<aside> ⚠️ This is a small personal project. There might be bugs and some of them might mess up your project. I’ve tried testing everything and taking precautions to ensure no changes would destroy a project but there are potential use-cases and bugs that I haven’t even thought of. Use with caution!


Table of Contents

What does it do?

The advanced importer tool has a very simple purpose — reduce the amount of time spent on importing B-Roll and manually managing bins (or syncing bins with the filesystem). The importer takes a folder on your file system and automatically imports it (every few seconds) to a bin in DaVinci Resolve. This allows you to do all of your file-management (at least for that specific bin) in your file system removing the need to reimport files or organize them in Resolve.

The best use-case for it would be making YouTube videos (I made this specifically to help me and my editor edit videos on my channel; the channel is not about Resolve).

The point is to speed up that kind of a workflow and many of the features would not make much sense to more advanced projects.

It looks like this (we’ll go in detail on how to use it below):



Setup Instructions:

  1. Install python 3.6 (Resolve won’t accept external plugins without it; I’m working on a fix).

    1. On Windows use chocolatey — first install it from here. Copy the command, run PowerShell as an administrator, paste, and go. The use the snippet below to install python. You might have to restart your machine for everything to click.
    choco install python --version=3.6.8
  2. Download the latest advanced importer from it’s GitHub’s Releases page.

  3. Extract all files in a directory of your choosing (there should be 2 files in the archive — the advanced importer and a config file).

  4. Open a project DaVinci resolve.