**this is where you would explain how people can understand/use this document and any rules you have for updating it

Who owns this schema doc?

The doc is owned and maintained by the Product team. They will be responsible for making sure the document is up-to-date and all data requests pass through here to the Engineering team. The rest of the team - across the org - have access to view and comment on this doc, but not to edit.

How we track data

We track our product data via Segment.com. Segment allows us to track our data once and send it to multiple tools via their platform. (Our Segment credentials and API key is stored in Lastpass. If you need access please request from someone on the Product team).

With Segment, we can make three main types of calls for our product data:

  1. Track call: The track call allows us to track events in the product. For each event, we can set a list of properties to describe the event.
  2. Identify call: Identify is how we identify users in the platform. We make this call everything a user signs up as well as every time the user logs in. We can assign User traits to a user with this call and therefore should make an identify call whenever we want to update the status of a user.
  3. Group call: With Group calls, we can organize data at an account level. They operate much like Identify calls, just at the account level. This means we can assign a series of traits to an account Each account needs to have a GroupID which is based on our internal AccountIDs.

Our naming conventions

When naming our events, we follow a OBJECT-ACTION naming convention. This means our event names take a NOUN-VERB format. We will name the object being acted upon, and then name the action. Alert created, Team member invited, Email deleted, etc.

We don't have a standard naming convention for traits and/or properties, but we do use snake case for them (ie - Account_name)

How to read the schema doc

As mentioned earlier, this doc serves two purposes:

  1. A reference for anyone on the team who wants to know what product data we are tracking.
  2. A way to manage requests for new data tracking.

The columns on the table provides important information about each piece of data. Some additional explanation on each property/column:

Untitled Database

When looking for a specific event or to answer a specific question, there are a few ways this table makes thing easy.
