Table of contents

RSVP'ing to an event

  1. Head over to our 📅 D_D-events channel, find the event you want to attend and react with a ✅.

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 19.42.45.png

  1. Sesh will send you a DM to confirm your RSVP. If you want Sesh to send you a reminder for the event react with ⏰  and it will send you another DM to confirm when you want the reminder. React with the corresponding number 1️⃣, 2️⃣ or 3️⃣ (you can choose multiple)

Screenshot 2021-11-22 at 19.44.22.png

Add personalised event RSVP feed to your Calendar

  1. After you have RSVP'd to your first event, head to the 🤖-bot-commands and type !link. Sesh Bot will send the following message.

Screenshot 2021-11-27 at 16.58.40.png

  1. Click the 📅 emoji and the bot will send you a DM with a personalised feed URL.