Event Rooms makes it possible to host events with up to 250 people and includes a new room interface and additional permissions to help facilitate effective communication

Event Rooms


An Event Room is a type of room that offers a different experience than a (regular) Meeting Room. Most notably, Event Rooms feature a Stage area, where people from the audience can take the stage and address the crowd. Additionally, Event Rooms feature a new set of Room Admin permissions, making it possible to shape the room environment to fit the style of the event by limiting features that might be counterproductive or distracting.

Only event attendees that use the Take the Stage button in the bottom left of the meet window can move to the stage and speak with the audience (up to 5 speakers at once). Those not on the stage cannot use their camera or microphone, but can still communicate using GIF and emoji reactions or send messages in chat.

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<aside> 💡 Notes Mode, Image Sharing Mode, and Games are not available during an event.


Add a new Event Room

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To add a new event room, begin by clicking the New button in the Lobby. Under room template, select Event to create the room. Once created, hover the new room card and click the kabob icon (three dots) in the top right corner, and select Edit Room...

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By default, the new room will have Waiting Room enabled (with a checkmark). For the time being, we recommend disabling Waiting Room (remove the checkmark). We’ll be making improvements to Waiting Room functionality, but for now, it will be easier for you to facilitate events with it disabled.

While editing the room settings, you can update the name of the Room, URL, require a pin, and set the visibility/access. We recommend setting your event room to Public, so all members of your workspace can discover and have access to the room. You can set the room to Public & Default if you want to immediately add all workspace members as a member of the room. Finally, you can select Private if you only want to manually add room members.

<aside> 🚨 Remember to disable Waiting Rooms for ease of facilitation.


Event Room Participants