How to sign up

Step 1:

Go to,fill in the information below


Step 2:

Click Sign Up Now!


Step 3:

An OTP will be sent to your Whatsapp for verification


Step 4:

Connect your WhatsApp and ChatDaddy system

After successfully logging in to ChatDaddy Web 3.0, you will see a QR code.

Step 1: Please log in to your mobile WhatsApp, select the computer version of WhatsApp, and scan the QR code in the system

Step 2: After a successful scan, your WhatsApp and our system will be successfully connected, and begin to load and synchronise your information. It takes about 3 to 5 minutes.

If you have used the computer version of WhatsApp, please select "Sign out of all devices" on your mobile WhatsApp, and then scan the QR code.
