We live in a golden age of newsletters. Problem is, your inbox isn't the best place to read. Most people want to get through their inbox as quickly as possible, not spend more time there.

Now you can read all your newsletters – free and paid – in Matter!

Forwarding from iCloud

Forwarding from Gmail

Forwarding from iCloud

Start by retrieving your forwarding email from Matter. Your forwarding email is found under ‘Set up newsletter forwarding’ on the ‘Add Sources’ screen.


In Mail on iCloud.com, click the settings icon at the top of the Mailboxes list, then choose Settings. Then, click “Rules” and click ”+” in the top-right corner.

In the form, select “is from” in the message section and enter the newsletter sender’s email. Then under action, select “Forward To” and enter your Matter forwarding address. Optionally enter a name for your rule, then click “Add.”


Forwarding from Gmail

To get your newsletters in Matter:

  1. Set up email forwarding
  2. Create forwarding filters for the newsletters you want

<aside> 💡 Editor's note: This article walks you through how to do both of these in Gmail. The guide looks long because it's explicit about every step, but the process is easy and only takes 2 minutes. Ready? Let's go!
