How it works

<aside> 👌 Each vertical bar represents the total number of cases on a given day (NOT the number of new cases for that day). The 3 different possible "outcomes/statuses" (death/recovery/active) are stacked according to their percentage of the total number of cases.


<aside> 📌 This chart is not available in countries and regions where there are no reported recoveries and/or deaths


How to interpret it

Disclaimer: we're not factoring possible future secondary waves, which haven't happened anywhere yet as of time of writing.

Why it's useful

Unlike the others, this chart doesn't factor the total number of cases. The scale of the vertical axis is therefore always 0-100, which is why we don't even show it. This chart might actually be the most efficient way to visualize the evolution — and the outcome — of cases over time and across countries. And going further... even help us predict where a region is headed based on the charts of other similar regions.

Little bonus

The percentage of "deaths" is actually... the fatality rate (check About the "fatality rate"). And similarly, the percentage of "recoveries" is the recovery rate. This chart enables you to see how these two rates evolve over time in each region, in relation to one another, and across regions.