Importing your pre-existing Ethereum wallet is the easiest and fastest way to get started with Rainbow!

Ethereum wallets are fundamentally portable; you can import your seed phrase (or private key) into multiple wallet products. Importing the seed phrase (or private key) from MetaMask into Rainbow has no impact whatsoever on your MetaMask wallet! You can continue to access your Ethereum wallet via MetaMask on your computer, while using Rainbow on your phone 🤗

Step 1: Download Rainbow on your phone 🌈📲

Step 2: On the first page you see after downloading Rainbow, press the “I already have one” button

Step 3: Press the button labeled “Restore with a recovery phrase or private key”

Step 4: Enter the seed phrase (or private key) of your MetaMask wallet

Step 5: Press “Import”

✨Tada! ✨ You now have your MetaMask wallet imported to Rainbow! Congrats!