What does the blue checkmark mean?

The definition of the checkmark is to indicate endorse establishments that Ingredifind had independently verified based on certain requirements. Restaurants with a blue checkmark means:

All verified establishments will need to meet our eligibility criteria below to receive or retain the blue checkmark.

Eligibility criteria for the blue checkmark

All establishments are eligible to receive Ingredifind’s blue checkmark.

Our team uses an eligibility criteria on when the checkmark is given to ensure we maintain the integrity of the platform. Your establishment must meet the following criteria to receive the blue checkmark:

The checkmark will appear once our team reviews your Ingredifind account and if it meets our requirements.

Our system is always on the look out to give your establishment a blue checkmark. You may automatically receive a blue checkmark if meet all the requirements above. Otherwise, you can always email us and request verification.

Reviewing your dishes

A dish review is only necessary when use our support team to help add or modify dishes, or when we detect dishes to contain incomplete ingredient information. If you require a dish review, you will receive an email from our support team. Otherwise, your doing great!

Our community is built on trust and transparency. The purpose of our dish review is to help your community feel safe and lower the risk of allergic reactions in your establishment. In a dish review, we ask you to approve or modify a dish’s ingredients. If you need to make changes to a dish, please do so in the review. Remember, all we need are the ingredients and we handle the rest! If we do not have an ingredient you are looking for, request it here.

If you are unable to approve a dish, it is most likely because our system detects the dish as incomplete. Make sure you add all ingredients in the dish including but not limited to cooking oil, toppings, garnishes, and other hidden ingredients. We only share an ingredient with a customer if they have specified that ingredient in their profile.

Once you have approved all your dishes, the request will go through our system in which you may receive the blue checkmark that day.

Retain the blue checkmark