So you have registered with Racecheck, you have a profile of your event, you have access to your own dashboard and you can now start collecting reviews about your races.

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Log in to your Race Organiser dashboard at
  2. Click the menu icon (≡) in the top left corner and select "Events" from the dropdown.
  3. Click the "Start collecting reviews" button below your new event.
  4. Scroll down to "Share link" where you can copy a unique URL that will direct people to leave reviews for that specific event
  5. Copy the link and share it with your athletes to start collecting reviews. We also wrote this helpful article about How to get more athlete race reviews.

<aside> 💡 As a Premium user, you can also print out or share a QR code that's unique to your race, which is perfect to have at the finish area so athletes can submit a review before heading home.

On the right, under "Share QR codes" you can simply download the QR file, save it to your computer and print it onto race day material - race numbers, posters, leaflets.


Email and social media templates

Also, check out our review templates that make collecting reviews fast and easy by simply copying, pasting, and watching the fantastic reviews come pouring in: “Request Reviews" Example Copy.

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