Code review is the second stage of developer assessment with DevSkills which follows the automated testing.

To help the interviewer do a code review, each DevSkills challenge comes with an evaluation rubric. The rubric has the following three goals:

  1. Provide a more in-depth picture of the candidate's technical competence.
  2. Save interviewer's time doing the code review.
  3. Standardize candidate evaluation to eliminate bias.

Communication hints 🗣

Although it might seem insignificant, effective communication can drastically speed up the code review and improve the experience for everyone involved. And you, as the interviewer, set the tone.

Commenting on a Pull Request 🖋

  1. If you hesitate to score a particular candidate's competence, ask a clarifying question in their Pull Request.
  2. Before you ask a question, introduce yourself (they might have no idea who you are and where you're coming from 😃).
  3. When asking a question, identify what piece of information you want to get from the candidate. Then state your question as specifically as possible to get that info from them.
  4. If the candidate answered incorrectly, don't shame them or explain why it's a bad idea. Your goal at this point to fill in the evaluation rubric. You can share your feedback after the interview process has been completed.

Before you start ⚠️

  1. Make sure the candidate has created a Pull Request with their implementation.
  2. To get the context, go through the candidate's challenge README. Locate the candidate's repository at
  3. Proceed through the challenge's evaluation rubric.