Cere Mainnet to Polygon

  1. Head to https://bridge.cere.network/transfer

  2. Select Connect with Substrate Wallet

    Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 15.25.17.png

  3. Follow the instructions to connect your existing Polkadot.js wallet

  4. Home network should be set to Cere Mainnet

  5. Select account ⇒ Choose the source account from which the tokens should be taken.

  6. Destination Network ⇒ Choose Polygon

  7. I want to send ⇒ Choose the number of tokens you’d like to transfer.

  8. Destination Address ⇒ Choose the Polgygon wallet address you’d like the Cere tokens to be deposited in.

    cere bridge.png

  9. Start Transfer ⇒ Initiate the transfer.

  10. Review and agree to the summary provided by the bridge.

  11. Review and sign the transaction summary provided by Polkadot.js.

  12. Wait for the transaction to complete successfully.

transfer success.png

  1. That’s it!