
One of the most underrated skills that any marketer should have is record-keeping. Historical notes that put data into context can give you the ability to make smarter choices, because you'll know exactly what happened, and when it happened.

If you've used Google Analytics, you may be familiar with the annotations feature that gives you the ability to jot down notes that mark events to explain any spikes or irregularities in website performance.

By embedding a Google Sheet and Google Form, you can do the same thing with any Google Data Studio report. (Note: Google Data Studio is kind of a mouthful, so I'm going to be referring to it as GDS moving forward).

This is best used to:

Keep reading for step-by-step instructions.

Sample Documents

This is a sample Data Studio dashboard. Feel free to leave a note!


Before you begin, ensure you've got the following:


1. Set up a Google Form

Go to Google Forms and select the Blank option under Start a new form.