A new order can be added to the Planner manually, using import or even integration functionality. Please check below for a more detailed overview of the options.

1. Adding new order manually

Adding new orders to the Planner can be done using the "+" sign on the top of the menu bar or using the "Add new order" button on the Board or the Orders page.

Please follow the steps:

  1. Click on "+" or "Add new order" or simply hit the "a" key on your keyboard
  2. Fill in the mandatory fields - Name, Product, Workstation, Amount
  3. Fill in needed additional information - Due Date, Comment and add setup times
  4. Click on 'Save"
  5. The new order is added as Unplanned and is ready to be scheduled


2. Adding new orders via import

New orders can be added to the Planner using import functionality. Import allows you to bulk import your order using a CSV file or copy-paste function from an existing excel file. With import, you can decide if the orders are auto-planned or added as unplanned orders.

Please follow the steps:

  1. Open the "Import" page
  2. Click to choose a file to upload a CSV file OR copy-paste from the existing excel sheet
  3. Check that excel column names match with columns names within Planner
  4. Validate the rows
  5. Import the orders
  6. Orders are added to the system based on your import settings as either unplanned or already planned to correct the workstation

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