<aside> ℹ️ This guide uses Eventbrite as an example, but it will work for any supported calendar feed.


Log in to PlaceCal, then click the button labelled “add new calendar”

Screenshot 2022-07-11 at 17.21.51.png

It’ll take you to the page in the screenshot below, and your Eventbrite organiser URL goes in the box outlined in red:

Screenshot 2022-07-11 at 17.11.24.png

Other important fields on that page:

Partner Organiser

Make sure your organisation is selected from the dropdown list there.


You can give your calendar any human-readable name you like here. This should be one that will make sense to you later, in case you add multiple calendars and want an easy way to tell them apart.


This is where to put the organiser URL you’ve copied from Eventbrite. It’s the feed PlaceCal can take your events from. Whenever you add new events to Eventbrite, PlaceCal will pick them up.

Importer Mode

Leave this set to Auto.


It should be obvious which one applies to you here, there are various ones to cover various cases - such as organisations that only meet in one venue, multiple venues, or that have no specific venue. If it’s not obvious or there doesn’t seem to be an option that applies to your organisation, please contact the person you’ve been meeting with about PlaceCal, or alternatively [email protected].


This determines how the location for each event is determined. Should the importer read the location field or ignore it, set a default location, or are the events online?

<aside> ❗ These strategies need a bottom-up review to make it easier to understand and more robust — we’re working on it!
