<aside> 💡 Get our winning formula on how you can present your design portfolio in an interview!


First things first, make sure to follow the instructions 📖

Typically, when you do a portfolio presentation, you're given a prompt either in an email or in a separate pdf.

This will explain

Make sure you read carefully and understand what the team is looking for. 🙇 If you’d like to make modifications that you feel are appropriate, check in with the team on your proposal. Ultimately, it’s your presentation and you should do what you think will best help you get the offer.

Consider your audience 👥

Something to think about is that your audience **might not be limited to designers.

If you're interviewing for a smaller company, you might have the entire design team there, or if it's a larger company, then you'll have several people that you'll be working with the most.

Keep that in mind

You might not want to use very specific design lingo. 💬

If you do, then make sure that you explain them, you might have a Product Manager or Marketer who might not understand.

Present work you are PROUD of! 🫶

It’s hard to present something you don’t believe in right? That will translate. If you choose something you’re proud of, you're comfortable speaking about it. It’s important to note that work you’re proud of doesn’t mean that you did the work perfectly or there were no challenges. If you had some challenges along the way, which I hope you did 😉, show how you were able to communicate through them, overcome them, and what you learned.

Shhhh….This is the secret to a compelling case study 🔥

Ideally, present at least one case study end-to-end and in another, you can deep dive into a specific focus area. The point is to bring the audience into your full design process and give them an idea of how your work is extremely relevant to what they want to hire you for.

<aside> 📌 Showcase your entire process and highlight work that is directly related to the position they are hiring you for. Don’t leave it up to the imagination. Tell that hiring manager why you’re a great fit for the job!
