What does Salesforce do?

  1. Free, online training: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/ <-- review the first page or so.

  2. Sign up by clicking on the "Sign Up" button in the top right.

    1. Looks like this:


  3. Next go here: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/users/amberboaz/trailmixes/great-overview (yep, that's my face!) This is a sequence of modules/trails that I put together in a specific order to help folks who are new to the Salesforce community!

  4. Here's another Trailmix for job seekers: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/users/trailblazerconnect/trailmixes/trailblazer-community-for-job-seekers

  5. Now, join a User Group (or two)! Here's a list of all the groups in North America: https://success.salesforce.com/featuredGroups?filter=a0L3000000Rq7LXEAZ Use the navigation on the left to pick your state.

  6. Last, but certainly not least, please keep in touch! I want to hear how you're doing!

So you wanna be a Certified Administrator? How do you prepare for the exam?

  1. Start here
  2. Then do this.

Want some other certification? Check here: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/credentials

Looking for a career in Salesforce or a Salesforce mentor?

Are Podcasts your thing? Here are some of my favorite Salesforce-y podcasts: Amber's fave Salesforce-y Podcasts !

Salesforce Community in RTP