👋 Welcome! This is a guide for ICON-DELTA


ICON-DELTA is Decentralized Exchange on ICON Network that allows users to buy and sell tokens without third-party. The main characteristic of ICON-DELTA is that you can exchange asset existent on the ICON Network safely without any additional fee. every trade is proceeding on-chain which make a trading asset more safely and transparently.

How to use ICON-DELTA?

  1. Deposit

    To use ICON-DELTA trading service, you have to deposit your ICX or tokens on the ICON-DELTA SCORE. Below is the process of deposing ICX/token.

    1. Deposit ICX


      Input ICX amount and Click the 'Deposit' button to deposit your ICX. If you try to deposit ICX more than you have, an error will be raised from the web site. you can check the deposited ICX amount on the 2). 'wallet' column shows the ICX amount on the ICON Network, 'icondelta' column shows the deposited ICX amount.

    2. Deposit Token


      Input token amount and Click the 'Deposit' button to deposit your token. If you try to deposit token more than you have, an error will be raised from the web site. you can check the deposited token amount on the 2). 'wallet' column shows the token amount on the ICON Network, 'icondelta' column shows the deposited token amount.

  2. Trade

    1. Buy token


      Exchange ICX to the token which you want to get. 1) Click the buy, 2) Input the value of the token(ICX unit), 3) Input the quantity and click the 'buy' button. At that times, If the order which matches to your request already exists, the exchanging is processed immediately. If not, your order is recorded on the chain, and anyone can check and accept to your order.

    2. Sell token


      Exchange token to ICX. 1) Click the sell, 2) Input the value of the token(ICX unit), 3) Input the quantity and click the 'sell' button.

  3. Withdraw

    Withdraw token, ICX from the ICON-DELTA.

    1. Withdraw ICX

      1. Input ICX amount to withdraw and proceed to withdraw ICX.
    2. Withdraw token

      1. Input token amount to withdraw and proceed to withdraw token.
